The www.hospite.it website uses cookies to make its services simple and efficient for users viewing its pages. Cookies are small text files that sites visited by users send to their terminals, where they are stored in order to be retransmitted to the same sites on subsequent visits. Cookies are used for different purposes, have different characteristics, and can be used either by the owner of the site you are visiting or by third parties. There are various types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions.
This type of cookie allows certain sections of the site to function correctly. Technical cookies are of two categories
This type of cookie is designed to create profiles relating to the user and used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the web. In this case, the user’s prior consent is required.
This site uses both technical and third-party profiling cookies. Here is a list of third-party cookies with links to the relevant information:
a) Google: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/ uses analytics and profiling cookies
Profiling cookies that may be used: _ga, _gid, _gat, _utma, _utmt, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz, _utmv, gac, AMP_TOKEN.
b) Facebook Pixel:
This Application may require certain Facebook permissions allowing it to perform actions with the User’s Facebook account and collect information, including Personal Data, from it. This service allows this Application to connect with the User’s account on the social network Facebook, provided by Facebook Inc.
For more information on the following permissions, please refer to the Facebook permissions documentation (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/permissions/reference) and Facebook’s privacy policy (https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/).
The required permissions are as follows:
Basic information
The basic information of the User registered on Facebook, which normally includes the following Data: id, name, picture, gender and language and in some cases the Facebook ‘Friends’. If the User has made further Data publicly available, this will be available.
c) Google Consent Mode Policy
Our website uses Google Consent Mode to manage user consent in compliance with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Google Consent Mode enables the collection and use of browsing and usage data based on users’ consent preferences.
Types of data collected
Purposes of data processing
Managing consent Users can manage their consent via the consent banner displayed when they first access the site. You can change your consent preferences at any time via the preference management form available on our site.
Updates and Changes This Google Consent Mode cookie policy may be updated periodically. Any changes will be communicated via our website.
4. De-selezione cookie di terze parti
WARNING: by disabling technical and/or functionality cookies, the site may be unavailable or certain services or functions of the site may not function properly and you may be forced to change or manually enter certain information or preferences each time you visit the site.
Third party cookies, i.e. cookies from sites or web servers other than that of Hospite S.r.l., are used for the purposes of such third parties. It should be noted that these third parties, listed below with the relevant links to their privacy policies, are typically autonomous controllers of the data collected through the cookies they serve; therefore, you will have to refer to their personal data processing policies, disclosures and consent forms.
This responsibility refers not only to the cookies that the third parties send directly, but also to any further cookies that are sent through the site by virtue of the use of services that the third parties themselves use. In fact, Hospite S.r.l. cannot exercise any control over these cookies sent by service providers of the aforementioned third parties and does not know their characteristics or purposes.
Hospite S.r.l. can block or delete (in whole or in part) technical and functionality cookies also through the specific functions of its Browser.
For more information on how to set your preferences on the use of cookies through your Browser, you can consult the relevant instructions:
Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/it-it/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it&topic=14666&ctx=topic
Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?viewlocale=it_IT&locale=it_IT
Safari (dispositivi mobili): https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265
Hospite S.r.l.
Via G. Zanzotto, 28/17
31053 – Pieve di Soligo – TV
P.Iva e C.F. 05104250260
REA: TV-425970
Capitale Sociale: € 15.000,00 n.i.v.