Locanda La Raia

Description of the facility and training project

Locanda La Raia is located in Gavi, southern Piemonte region, nestled among the vineyards, pasture land and woodland of the La Raia biodynamic farm. This large green house, once a post station for travellers, is now a boutique hotel consisting of twelve rooms, each one different from the other, furnished with 17th and 19th century Piemontese furniture combined with contemporary design objects, colours, fabrics and natural materials.

The training project focused mainly on the creation and design of a guest experience manual to provide a clear and specific guideline to all staff members on standards of service and behaviour. We also carried out a Mystery Guest activity to highlight areas of strength and areas of improvement to give management objective feedback on the guest experience.

Project brief

Mystery Guest


written pages for the Guest Experience Manual



Training topics
  • Mystery Guest: audit carried out in order to provide management with details of what works best in terms of service and what can be improved
  • Development of guest experience manual: the manual aims to provide a guideline to all employees regarding service standards, behaviour and identity of the facility
  • Individual assessment: individual interviews aimed at exploring the needs and wants of the facility and internal staff.