
Excellence is the result of hard work on oneself, for the personal and professional growth.

Hospite Coaching Program

Our professional and personal growth program

Hospite Coaching Program has been created to support hospitality professionals in their qualification, upgrading and personal and professional growth.
Through customised coaching activities professionals are fully, effectively and methodically supported in defining and achieving their goals.

Hospite Coaching Program is the coaching and personal growth path tailored to the needs of hospitality professionals.
Through the use of heterogeneous methods, people are supported to:

  • Focus on specific professional goals and strategies to achieve them

  • Acquire managerial skills

  • Manage a role transition and define a new professional identity

  • Increase awareness of one's leadership style and the impact it makes

  • Improve the quality of one's communication

  • Develop specific technical skills thanks to the support of the Hospite Digital Academy in partnership with Hosco. - Lobster Ink

The benefits
you can get from Coaching


Thanks to your coaching you will be able to define clear, specific goals and have a structured and defined overview of the strategy to achieve them.


Being aware of your leadership style and professional identity is one of the key steps to achieve your goals and build conscious, trust-based relationships.


Working on you following a structured path promotes the concrete realisation of goals, the effective management of a role transition or the definition of a new professional identity.

Coaching Goals
Awareness Professional path
Leadership Method


Based on your needs, those of the team or the company, we develop together the most suitable coaching path, ensuring flexibility, consistent time planning and constant support from a certified coach.


One-to-one sessions

Specific individual sessions aimed at generating awareness, action plans and concrete changes.


Individual work

Between sessions, you are given responsibility for both the implementation of the agreed action plan and self-assessment of performance.


Support and online feedback

Support during the coaching session is aimed at ensuring focus, stimulating self-motivation and prompting effective feedback.


Coaching on the job

On-the-job coaching sessions aimed at receiving specific feedback, implementing concepts in operations and strengthening the learning process.


Team coaching

Coaching sessions geared towards conflict management, specific brainstorming and generational handover contexts.

Schedule an in-depth free call with Francesca

Contact us to develop your training path in Hospite. Francesca will answer your questions and guide you towards the most suitable activity for you and your needs.

Two coaching
paths examples


Executive coaching supports you in working on your leadership style in order to make conscious strategic decisions and to lead your teams with focus and strategy.



Career coaching is designed to facilitate the realisation of your career plan by building coherent strategies for achieving professional goals, improving personal branding and enhancing skills with specific training.


Coachee feedback

What professionals think about their Coaching in Hospite

Contact us
to get more information

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