LOSTpitality is an itinerant tour and consists of stages, i.e. events organised in Italy in renowned accommodation facilities, during which professionals from the world of hospitality are called upon to exchange views, share their thoughts and develop new strategies together for the present and the future. During each stage there will be a special guest who will be an active part of the speech.
joinLOSTpitality is an event open to all professionals in the world of hospitality, to those who are driven by a strong passion for this sector and to those who are involved in the management and development of people, the real beating heart of this industry.
Contact us to develop your training path in Hospite. Our team will answer you and support you in choosing the best online training course for you.
Contattaci per sviluppare insieme il tuo percorso in Hospite. Francesca risponderà alle tue domande e ti indirizzerà verso l'attività più adeguata per te e per le tue esigenze.
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