10 Apr 2024 | 3 minuti lettura

Less is more – Human resources: the challenge between old limits and new opportunities

Pubblicato: 10 Apr 2024

Tempo lettura: 3 minuti

Categoria: People

“We can’t find qualified employees…”, “Young people no longer want…”, “They prefer the sofa instead of work”. How many times have we heard similar statements in this last period? The hoteliers’ cry for help has been haunting us for months now.

But are we really sure that today’s 20-year-olds aspire to an eternal life on the couch, with no work, no satisfaction and no professional growth?

In 2018, a study by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation found that 51% of Gen Z, or those born after 1995, express interest in working in hospitality. So perhaps lack of motivation is not the only cause of the current situation.

At this moment in history, we are facing a radical change in human resources management in the hospitality industry. The turnover phenomenon has grown exponentially and it is very difficult to find passionate people. This is why today more than ever it is important or almost imperative to hold on to good employees, creating a healthy working environment that meets their expectations. People’s well-being and work life balance support measures play a key role in this challenge.

Quantity vs. Quality

In April 2019, an article in Il Sole 24 ore published data from the OECD and Italy, right after Greece and Estonia, is the country in Europe where people work the most hours per week, three hours more than the European average and even seven hours more than some of our neighbours such as Germany.

There are countries where the working week consists of (only) four days and other countries where full time means no more than 30 hours per week. Working models that adapt to the lifestyle of the new generations, giving the same if not better results in terms of productivity.

In fact, Italy, although in the top ranks in terms of number of hours worked per week, slips into the bottom ranks in terms of work productivity.

The ‘workaholic’ life is out.

Many of us grew up in an era where ‘working more’ meant ‘getting more done’ and today we often find ourselves overwhelmed by a thousand tasks, numerous responsibilities and the more we try to do everything, the more we feel lost, disoriented and suffocated by the lack of time.

Today’s society lives an accelerated and ever-changing life. The speed with which we have to adapt to new technologies and the need to always be connected, available and reachable can cause a state of stress and anxiety. This is where a strong desire to find more time to dedicate to ourselves and the activities we enjoy most arises.

This is where the real challenge begins, the challenge of change, and who knows if tomorrow we will have part-time waiters, smart working booking clerks, receptionists with 6-hour shifts and maybe a 4-day week to have happy and balanced employees who will work more efficiently for a common and shared goal.

The world changes and humanity evolves and as Martin Luther King said “You may not be responsible for the situation you are in, but you will become responsible if you do nothing to change it”.

Article published in the second edition of New Hospitality Lux Magazine

Dhanya Schwaiger

Trainer & Consultant Hospite S.r.l.